Articles, Limericks, and Essays

“Dr. Watson: Action Hero?”

writing as Leigh Perry
Essay in Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #15, December 2014

“My Malice Domestic Report Card”

Essay in Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea:
An Interesting and Entertaining History of Malice Domestic’s First 25 Years
Edited by Verena Rose and Rita Owen

“Step Right Up!”

Mystery Classic Introduction in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine
June 2009
Introduction to “Fugitive Imposter” by Fredric Brown

“On The Tightrope Walker”

Essay in Mystery Muses
Edited by Jim Huang and Austin Lugar

“Embracing Anne Rice”

Article in Romantic Times BOOKclub
November 2003

“Laura Fleming’s Heavenly Eggs”

Recipe in A Second Helping of Murder
Edited by Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezzahl

“Teasing Out a Story”

Essay in Mystery Scene #78
Winter 2003

“Writing What I Know…About the South”

Essay in Mystery Readers Journal
Winter 2002-2003

“Mad About Christmas”

Essay in Mystery Scene #73

“Five Things I Learned by Setting a Book in Boston”

Essay in Mystery Readers Journal
Spring 2001

“Confessions of a Freelance Killer”

Essay in Mystery Scene #61

Mary Higgins, J. Healy, Barbara Paul

Limericks in Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine
Fall 1996

Beth, Rocky, Nick

Limericks in Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine
Spring 1995

“Mysteries of the South”

Essay in Mystery Scene #47

“Southern No More?”

Essay in Mystery Scene #42

“How I Became Local Color”

Essay in Mystery Scene #40
Reprinted in Deadly Women
Edited by Jan Grape, Dean James, and Ellen Nehr