Toni L. P. Kelner
Fact Sheet
Home Town
Born in Pensacola, FL
Grew up in Gulf Breeze, FL & Charlotte, NC
Currently living in Malden, MA
Day Job
Former technical writer
Currently full time writer
To Stephen Paul Kelner, Jr.
Two daughters: Maggie and Valerie
American Crime Writers League
International Thriller Writers
Mystery Writers of America
Short Mystery Fiction Society
Sisters in Crime

Derringer Award Nominee for Best Novelette for “Pirate Dave and the Captain’s Ghost”
Derringer Award Nominee for Best Novelette for “In Brightest Day”
Derringer Award Nominee for Best Novelette for “The Pirate’s Debt”
Agatha and Anthony Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “Skull and Cross-Examinations”
Macavity Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “Keeping Watch Over His Flock”
PEARL Award Finalist for Best Paranormal Anthology for Wolfsbane and Mistletoe
Anthony Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “How Stella Got Her Grave Back”
Agatha Award Winner and Anthony Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “Sleeping With the Plush”
Romantic Times BOOKreviews Career Achievement Award Winner for Mystery Series in 2002
Anthony and Macavity Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “Bible Belt”
Romantic Times BOOKreviews Career Achievement Award Nominee for Mystery Series in 2001
Romantic Times BOOKreviews Reviewers’ Choice Award Nominee for Death of a Damn Yankee
Agatha Award Nominee for Best Short Story for “The Death of Erik the Redneck”
Toni L.P. Kelner is the author of eleven mystery novels: eight Laura Fleming mysteries and three “Where are they now?” mysteries. Kelner is also the author of numerous short stories, many of which have been assembled into her two collections, and co-edited bestselling urban fantasy anthologies with Charlaine Harris. Kelner has won the Agatha Award and an RT BookClub Lifetime Achievement Award, and has been nominated multiple times for the Anthony, the Macavity, and the Derringer. As Leigh Perry, she writes the Family Skeleton series and even more short stories.
For more info, check out these interviews with Toni by Tilda Harper (protagonist of the “Where are they now? series)
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